Industrial Products Network Update for Friday, November 10, 2023
BNSF operating teams are generating improved performance and building on the positive momentum going into the current week. Car velocity increased and is running more than five percent higher versus the prior week and nearly four percent higher than the October average. Average terminal dwell also improved from last week and the previous month. Our local service compliance measure exceeds 91 percent, which reflects our effectiveness in handling carload freight.
BNSF operating divisions are ready to keep personnel safe and trains moving during extreme conditions. Because every winter is different, we take steps to be prepared no matter what comes our way. We have prepared and positioned snow removal equipment and supplies to keep our trains moving.
Over 5,000 switch heaters are in place across the network to ensure rail switches don’t freeze and prevent snow and ice buildup, and we have added a new rail-bound snowplow this year to assist with snow removal. 95 percent of our locomotives are equipped with a cold weather package to keep the engines functioning and air flowing for our trains’ braking systems, and this year, we purchased 50 new locomotives with full winterization packages.
For more information on how we ensure continuity of operations during extreme winter weather, please read our most recent Rail Talk.
We are monitoring conditions in Texas as heavy rainfall is expected along the coast through the weekend, while high wind advisories and warnings are in effect in parts of the Northwest; gusty winds, up to 60 mph, and the potential for heavy snow in higher elevations will linger in parts of Washington, Idaho and Western Montana on Saturday, diminishing before Sunday morning. Favorable operating conditions are expected across much of the network during the upcoming week.
We thank you for your business and appreciate the opportunity to serve as your transportation service provider. We welcome your feedback and questions.