Rules Book: Changes to Planning Rules and Service Language Effective August 1, 2024
BNSF is adjusting the rules governing the customer annual planning deadline, Coal Forecasting Tool entry ratability, and sharing of customer stockpile metrics to provide improved information for unit train service planning. Effective August 1, the following changes in the rule items will be adjusted (as noted in bold):
Item 255 – Annual Planning Estimate
By August 1st of each year, Shippers will provide BNSF an Annual Planning Estimate.
Item 260 – Coal Unit Train Forecasting Protocol
Shippers will enter coal tonnage into the Coal Forecasting tool in reasonably even monthly increments and provide no less than six calendar months ahead of the current month.
Item 265 – Stockpile Information
Shippers will provide BNSF current coal stockpile level in tons and full burn days for each of Shipper’s plants on a monthly basis.
These adjustments will be included in the revised BNSF Rules Book 6041-B, located in the Rules and Publications section of our Customer Portal (must be logged in for viewing).
If you have any questions, please contact your BNSF representative.
Your business is important to us. BNSF remains focused on meeting the needs of our customers while ensuring we continue to operate as safely and efficiently as possible.
Thank you for choosing BNSF Railway as your transportation service provider.