Embargo Affecting Ferromex Interchanges at Eagle Pass and El Paso Cancelled

Sep 25, 2023

BNSF has cancelled the embargo impacting all transborder traffic destined for interchange with Ferromex (FXE) at our Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas gateways.

As reported, the embargo (BNSF001723) was issued on September 20 following the Department of Homeland Security’s border closure. All railcars that were in holding due to the embargo will be released for movement and transborder shipping will resume normal operations.

About Embargoes:
Embargoes are temporary holds placed on freight to restrict the acceptance and handling of freight. You can search embargoes at the Association of American Railroads (AAR) Embargo Railinc website here (enter "BNSF" in the Issuing Road field to view active embargoes). 

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